VNIIGAZ Organized Second Technological Expedition “Baikal Hydrates”
OREANDA-NEWS. On 02 July 2009 was announced, that the Second Technological Expedition “Baikal Hydrates”, organized by “VNIIGAZ Gazprom LLC” together with Limnological Institute of the Siberian branch of RAS (
On 23 June the subaqueous expedition group, formed from scientists of the Laboratory of geocryology and hydrates of “Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC”, specialists of Limnological Institute of the Siberian branch of RAS and Lomonosov MSU, set off by the survey vessel “Vereschagin” to collect samples of hydrate-saturated bottom sediments. For the first day the expedition group made 4 series of sample collection and for the first time obtained thermal and physical characteristics of hydrate-saturated samples (using the unique analyzer of thermal and physical properties - KD-2Pro). Researchers have collected samples of hydrate gas from pure hydrate and hydrate impurities in rocks in order to examine their chemical composition and origin. Researchers have also received results of GPS-navigation of hydrate field of Malenkiy volcano for further comparison with deep-water manned vehicle “MIR”.
The same day scientists of the route R&D expedition group studied the geological structure of the area of works in Listvyanka township and revealed features of oil & gas bearing capacity of Vendian deposits of the mantle of the ancient Siberian platform.
On 24 June the expedition participants analyzed the obtained organic material: they identified moisture content of hydrate-saturated rock samples, collected during the first day from Baikal bottom near Malenkiy mud volcano. The specific gas content of hydrates, which were collected from hydrate-saturates cores, was identified; data on thermal and physical properties, which were obtained during the first day of the expedition, were processed and digitized.
Submergence using two deep water manned vehicles “MIR” for the purpose of visual examination of the hydrate field of Malenkiy volcano in the sample collection areas on the bottom of the lake, as well as experimental modelling of soil behaviour under deep water conditions under dynamic pressures of subsea pipelines are scheduled for 25 June. The submergence will be marked by installation of the flag with corporate symbols of “Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC” in the area of Malenkiy volcano peak.
The negotiations with representatives of Limnological Institute of the Siberian branch of RAS (