Comstar-UTS in Siberia Announced New Appointments
OREANDA-NEWS. On 24 June 2009 Comstar – United Telesystems (JSC Comstar-UTS, LSE: CMST),the largest integrated telecommunications provider in Russia and the CIS, announced that Vladimir Alaev, General Director of OJSC Regional Technical Center (RTC), headed a number of branches and companies of COMSTAR-UTS Group in Siberian macro region.
In 2Q, 2009 Vladimir Alaev took up a concurrent position of Director of CJSC STREAM-TV branches in the cities of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk, and position of General Director of CJSC Channel-
Victor Koresh, Vice-president for regional development of JSC COMSTAR-UTS, CEO of CJSC STREAM-TV, noted: "Vladimir Alaev appointment in the companies of Siberian macro region is the next phase in establishment of unified operating company COMSTAR-Regions, which will have branches in six federal districts of the RF. The objective of being carried out integration activities is to consolidate all the regional assets of COMSTAR-UTS Group on the basis of these macro centers, including establishment of aggregated Siberian branch having its center in the city of
In March 2008, Vladimir Alaev was appointed as General Director of OJSC Tyumenneftegazsvyaz (TNGS) – subsidiary company of JSC COMSTAR-UTS. In 2009, after integration of TNGS with RTC Company, also a member of COMSTAR-UTS, he took up a position of General Director of OJSC RTC, which has branches in such cities as Nyagan, Noyabrsk,