Eurosystem Expressed Its Expectations Regarding Implementation of SEPA
OREANDA-NEWS. On 24 June 2009 was announced, that the European Central Bank and 16 euro area national central banks, taking into account the requests submitted by market participants, prepared a document, which describes the Eurosystem’s expectations regarding the implementation of SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area). These expectations and recommendations will assist the providers of payment services (banks and payment institutions) in communicating with the users of services and will help the latter to realise peculiarities and benefits of SEPA payments and to understand what they can expect from their payment services provider.
The Eurosystem hopes that the providers of payment services will ensure to their customers a possibility to initiate and receive SEPA payment orders. The providers of payment services are also invited to assess regularly the services they provide according to the criteria listed in the document and publicly inform market participants about their level of preparedness for SEPA. It is recommended that companies, public sector institutions and natural persons select such provider of payment services that follows SEPA rules and complies with the expectations described in the document.
“This document shows resolute disposition of the Eurosystem towards SEPA. Although the payment market of
The processing of SEPA credit transfers was started in
SEPA is a single euro payment area where all cashless retail euro payments are treated as domestic payments, regardless of the place of residence of a payer and a receiver. Currently SEPA covers all EU Member States, as well as