Kursk NPP Become Laureate of Korenskaya Fair
OREANDA-NEWS. June 23, 2009. The branch of Energoatom Concern OJSC, Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, has taken part in the Kursk Korenskaya Fair 2009. The plant’s exposition was situated in the “Energy and Industry of Kursk Region” pavilion.
Over 2,000 Russian and foreign companies and organizations took part in the fair.
Several thousands of people have attended the event. Among them were top officials of Central Federal District, managers of manufacturing companies as well as guests from Germany, France, China, Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Bulgaria, Zambia, Nigeria, Abkhazia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova.
The latter showed high interest in the exposition of Kursk NPP. The director of the plant Nikolay Sorokin told them about the plant’s safe and efficient work.
The foreigners were presented with booklets about the plant and Energoatom Concern’s souvenirs.
Kursk NPP has become the laureate of the Konresnkaya Fair in “Innovative Technologies” nomination for modernization of its 3rd and 4th units and introduction of innovations in the field of safety and efficiency.