Prominvestbank Announced Increase of Deposits of Individuals
OREANDA-NEWS. On 22 June 2009 was announced, that since beginning of 2009 increase of deposits of individuals with Prominvestbank made UAH 2.8 billion. In May 2009 due to renewal of individuals confidence to Prominvestbank and due to financial stability of the Bank increase of deposits of individuals with Prominvestbank made UAH 258.3 million, including UAH 167.0 million - time deposits and UAH 91.3 million - current accounts.
During five months the most significant amount - UAH 975.8 million - were deposited to the "Spring" deposit and UAH 798.7million were deposited to "Snowdrop" deposit. Considerable amounts of deposits were attracted to such deposits as three months -"Safe" deposit (UAH 266.0 million), six months - "Welfare" deposit (UAH 227.2 million) and "Cooperation" deposit (UAH 247.7 million).
As of June 1, 2009 about 4.2 million customers have deposited UAH 8.7 billion with Prominvestbank.
Reference: Joint-Stock Commercial Industrial & Investment bank (Prominvestbank) was formed in 1992 and is among the group of the largest Ukrainian banks. As of today the largest shareholders of the bank are State Corporation 'Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)' (Russian Federation) - 75% of shares and LLC "SIGNUS" (subsidiary of SLAV AG) -12.37 % of shares.
As of 01.06.2009 the capital of Prominvestbank made UAH 3.3 billion, assets - UAH 31 billion, credit portfolio - UAH 23.1 billion.