OREANDA-NEWS. On June 18, 2009 OGCC KazStroyService (Almaty), the listed company of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), informed KASE that the company completed construction and is preparing for exploitation of Nuraly deposit outfits in Kzyl Orda region, owned by joint venture KazGerMunai LLP, reported the press-centre of KASE.

The project enters Kazakhstan gas industry development program for 2011.

As the project general contractor on Nuraly deposit development given experimental-industrial exploitation, OGCC KazStroyService provided equipment and construction materials for 4 outfits:

- oil treating equipment;

- booster pump station on the "Sever" platform with the length of discharge lines and oil pipeline - 28 km;

- booster pump station on the "Yug" platform with the length of discharge lines and oil pipeline - 21.5 km;

- "Nuraly-Akshabulak" oil pipeline with the length of 32.7 km, with the pipe diameter 219х6mm

Oil treating equipment is build for processing of 1072 th. t/year given the rated oil production 640 th. t/oil per year and rated gas production - 91.1m.m3.

All works were completed in compliance with international quality standards and time, defined by the customer.

The project implementation will allow extending South Kazakhstan Region infrastructure and open new working places for the local workers.

Works has been implemented on the territory of Kzyl Orda region, 150 km from Kzyl Orda City. The construction contract was signed on January 4, 2008.