Ingosstrakh Insured OOO Tekos for 20 mln Euro in Tver
The first contract provides insurance for the whole property: the building, industrial equipment, hardware, furniture, trade stock. Besides, the contract covers the risk of loss caused by business interruption.
The second contract covers general third party liability for damage to property, life, and health, as well as liability of the manufacturer for damage to property and life, and health of third parties.
The Tver branch of Ingosstrakh IJSC started to cooperate with OOO Tekos in 2006. During this period, they signed insurance contracts for construction and installation risks ( in the time of construction of the plant), for property, voluntary medical insurance, as well as insurance of the employees against accidents.
ООО Tekos was established in December 2004 within the framework of the national project to attract foreign investments to the economy of