ROSNO Security Department Sums Up Q1 2009 Performance Results
OREANDA-NEWS. June 09, 2009. The performance results of the first quarter lead to the conclusion that, due to the intensive resistance from the insurance market leaders, fraudsters increasingly prefer small insurance companies, though they continue monitoring innovations introduced by security departments, "adopting" the fraud fighting expertise. One alarming sign is the emergence of such "crisis" phenomenon as dishonest business partners. There is an increasing number of cases where sham insurance intermediaries (brokers) were set up in order to gain unlawful income.
After having captured a large portfolio of an insurance company and having sold insurance policies, such broker uses any pretext to block the return of insurance premium and payment of taxes — for example, by announcing that the insurance policies have been damaged or lost. Subsequently, the newly established company goes bankrupt.
To avoid such situations, in Q1 2009, ROSNO Security Department successfully completed the project for implementation of the Anti-Fraud program recommended and already being applied by many Allianz Group companies throughout the world. The Anti-Fraud program represents a range of fraud fighting measures, manifested in establishment of regulatory base, information base, trainings, and assessment of fraud risks. The measures taken under the program enable identifying dishonest business partners prior to conclusion of cooperation agreements. During the first three months of its implementation, ROSNO managed to prevent 56 cases of fraud. Furthermore, the company’s Security Department obtains information from police units regarding dishonest brokers who had got in sight of the law enforcement agencies.
According to ROSNO Security Department, in January-March 2009, the general deterioration of criminogenic situation in the city led to more cases of criminal assault on offices, company’s employees and other individuals for the purpose of taking possession of cash. To ensure personal safety of clients and employees and business security, the relevant steps were taken: the company has formulated necessary recommendations for employees and visitors, provided transport for the evening transfer of employees and clients from central offices to the nearest subway stations. Furthermore, the senior management of the Security Department is on the evening and weekend watch, enabling prompt decision making in case of emergency.
In the first quarter of 2009, ROSNO Security Department prevented unlawful payments for the total amount of over 58 mln roubles (representing a 20% growth versus the same period of the year 2008).
The interaction between ROSNO and police units has resulted in 11 instituted criminal cases. The nature of investigated cases is varying. Here are some examples.
The group of fraudsters from Tajikistan had been purchasing cars via fictitious buyers and acquiring MOD insurance coverage therefor in Moscow and the Moscow Region. After a month, the cars were driven out of the Russian Federation, into the CIS countries. At the same time, keys and documents were returned to the insurant, for the purpose of making a statement of theft to the district police department and applying to the insurance company for compensation. The comprehensive investigation conducted by ROSNO Security Department has uncovered identities of drivers and other members of the criminal group, and established all facts of one-way crossing of the RF border by cars. The entire group of fraudsters has been arrested. Criminal investigation is under way.
In Nizhny Novgorod, a criminal investigation was launched against a receiving clerk in the pawn shop insured with ROSNO under the property insurance contract. The receiving clerk had worked out and implemented fake assault on the pawn shop, stealing property for over 2 million roubles. The receiving clerk had previously been convicted, and she had owed banks cash under 8 loans.