OREANDA-NEWS. June 05, 2009. The crisis has not slowed down the process of voluntary forest certification in Russia, as regional FSC affiliate reported. Since late April two more forest harvesting companies have received FSC forest management certificates, Mondi SLPK (Republic of Komi, 718,000 ha of forests) and Lesnoy Profil (Kirov region, 101,000 ha). Both certificates are issued by Smartwood/NEPKon company.

Since April another five companies have been awarded with delivery chain and controlled timber certificates: Lesnoy Profil, Arkhangelsk plywood plant, Ilim Timber Industry, Interpulp Trading (the latter two belonging to Ilim Group), IT-Sibir. The first two certificates were issued by Smartwood/NEPKon company, the third and the fourth – by GFA Consulting Group, the last one – by Lesnaya Sertifikatsiya LLC.