Turkmenistan-IDB: Avaza in Focus of Interest
OREANDA-NEWS. June 04, 2009. The Investment Opportunities in Turkmenistan in the Epoch of New Revival was held in Turkmenbashi town in the framework of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Islamic Development Bank. The delegation led by the President of the Islamic Development Bank had arrived in the littoral town to take part in the forum. The delegation consisted of the heads of the specialized organisations of the Bank and the representatives of the delegations of the member countries of this authoritative financial organisation.
The heartfelt welcome was extended to the summit participants at the Turkmenbashi airport.
The forum opening ceremony was held in the conference hall of the Turkmenbashi Hotel. Balkan Velayat Khyakim O. Niyazlyev briefed the guests on the economic potential and prospects of development of the western region focusing on the large-scale project on creation of the Avaza national tourism zone on the Caspian Sea coast initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It was noted that implementation of this grandiose project was directly interrelated with the strategic plans of Turkmenistan’s development and demonstrated a landmark approach to employing the profound potential of the country through strong inflows of foreign capital particularly in tourism and recreation industries. Foreign investors actively collaborate in this project and they increase in number with the every passing year.
The presentation of the world-class seaside resort, which was created on the ecologically pure coast of the Caspian Sea, was of intense interest to the guests. The presentation focused on the prospects of development of Avaza and the economic benefits and incentives provided to foreign investors. The top managers of the large-scale foreign companies, which collaborated in the Avaza National Project, shared their experiences. During the meeting the guests representing the IDB member countries put forward the proposals to invest in the construction projects in the world-class seaside resort.
Upon concluding the meeting the participants visited the construction sites in Avaza where the hotels and health-improving centres were ready to receive the first visitors.On the day the IDB delegation returned to Ashgabat.