Kola Atomic Power Station Is One of Best in Russia
OREANDA-NEWS. On 04 June 2009 was announced, that results of competition "The Best nuclear stations following the results of 2008" in which 10 atomic power stations of Russia have taken part all have been declared. The Kola atomic power station has taken the second place. Four years on end Kola atomic power station strongly keeps this position.
The winner was defined on indicators in twelve basic and nine additional spheres of activity. First of all, the competitive commission under presidency of the General director of concern Sergey Obozova estimated safety, stability and an atomic power station overall performance, a state of affairs in labor safety sphere, a condition of radiating and fire safety, efficiency of maintenance service and repair of the equipment of nuclear station.
Also the estimation of financial and economic activity has been given, to system of physical protection, work with the personnel. The commission has given separate attention to readiness of each atomic power station for work during the fall-winter period, to perfection of operation and increase of reliability of the equipment and spent work with the public.
The first place and rank "the Best atomic power station following the results of 2008" is appropriated Balakovsky nuclear stations (director V.I.Ignatov). The second place is awarded by the Kola atomic power station (director V.V. Omelchuk) and on the third place – the