Next Phase of Project on Kazakhstan NPG Development Completed
OREANDA-NEWS. On 04 June 2009 was announced, that “Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company” JSC had successfully completed the next phase of Project “Construction of 500 kV Second Transmission Line of Kazakhstan North-South Transit”, being implemented under the state program “30 Corporate Leaders of Kazakhstan”.
At 500 kV Agadyr substation (Karaganda Oblast), 500 kV OHTL Agadyr-YuKGRES section was solemnly energized with the participation of Karim Massimov, Prime Minister of the Republic Kazakhstan.
Commissioning of this section will strengthen reliability of power supply to the consumers in the South of the country and in Almaty owing to the increase of transmission capacity of “Kazakhstan North-South” transit by 180 MW.
By November 2009 KEGOC plans to complete break-through project and energize the second transit lines by increasing the volume of southward electricity transmission from 730 up to 1350 MW – Kanat Bozumbayev, President of KEGOC JSC, pointed out at the commissioning ceremony.
The works under 500 kV OHTL Agadyr-YuKGRES section with the length of
• Extension and upgrading of existing 500 kV Agadyr, YuKGRES substations.
• Construction of 500 kV high-voltage overhead transmission line with optical ground wire.
• Providing with the required quantity of relay protection, automation and emergency automation devices.
• Providing with the dispatch and process control facilities.
• Providing with telecommunication network facilities.
For the first time in the
General contractor on construction of 500 kV OHTL Agadyr-YuKGRES – DALEKOVOD company (
Total value of the Project is 43.6 bln. tenge. With the view of financing, KEGOC JSC concluded loan agreements with international and domestic financial institutes (IBRD, EBRD, DBK).
Total length of 500 kV transmission lines of the second “Kazakhstan North-South” transit will make
Reference information:
Construction of 500 kV second transmission line of Kazakhstan North-South transit started in accordance with the Program for Power Sector Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 2030, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 384 dated 9 April 1999, and by Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1700 dated 13 November 2000, No. 125 dated 3 February 2003 for reliable power supply and covering the electricity deficit in Kazakhstan southern regions.
The first phase (commissioned in October 2008):
1. Construction of 500 kV OHTL 500 kV YuKGRES SS – 500 kV Shu SS with enterings of 500 kV OHTL Almaty-Frunzenskaya at 500 kV Shu SS and rearrangement of existing 500 kV OHTL Almaty-YuKGRES at the approach to YuKGRES SS.
Main components of construction are as follows:
• construction of 500 kV Shu SS, 500 kV OHTL YuKGRES-Shu with the length of
• two enterings of existing 500 kV OHTL Almaty-Frunzenskaya with the length of 18.9 and
• rearrangement of existing 500 kV OHTL Almaty-YuKGRES with the length of
• installation of fiber optic communication line from 500 kV YuKGRES SS to 500 kV Shu SS with the length of
General construction contractor: KEC International Ltd., (
3. Extension of 500 kV YuKGRES SS. Construction and erection works completion and commissioning of the object – 2nd quarter 2009.
The second phase:
1. Construction of 500 kV OHTL Agadyr-YuKGRES and extension of 500 kV Agadyr SS, 500 kV YuKGRES SS.
Main components are as follows:
• construction of 500 kV OHTL from 500 kV Agadyr SS to 500 kV YuKGRES SS with the length of
• installation of fiber optic communication line from 500 kV Agadyr SS to 500 kV YuKGRES SS with the length of
General construction contractor: DALEKOVOD,
Construction completion and commissioning of 500 kV OHTL Agadyr-YuKGRES – 2nd quarter 2009.
The third phase:
1. Construction of 500 kV OHTL 1150 kV Ekibastuzskaya SS - 500 kV Agadyr SS. Commissioning – 4th quarter 2009. Main components of construction are as follows:
• construction of 500 kV OHTL from 1150 kV Ekibastuzskaya SS to 500 kV Agadyr SS with the length of
• installation of fiber optic communication line from 1150 kV Ekibastuzskaya SS to 500 kV Agadyr SS with the length of
General construction contractor for 500 kV OHTL Ekibastuz-Agadyr - KEC International Ltd.,
2. Extension of 500 kV Agadyr SS. Works completion period – 2nd quarter 2009.
3. Extension of 1150 kV Ekibastuzskaya SS. Completion of construction and erection works and commissioning of the object – 4th quarter 2009.