Sberbank Capital Selects Developer to Run Real Estate Assets
OREANDA-NEWS. June 03, 2009. Sberbank Capital, a Sberbank subsidiary, is currently selecting a professional developer to run real estate assets that it obtained from Sberbank’s debtors, director of the bank’s division for construction project financing Alexey Chuvin said. "Currently it is important to hire a professional executive manager that would dispose of real estate assets in an efficient and prudent manner or would probably find additional options of attracting buyers,” he said on the sidelines of the conference “Real Estate in Russia”.
According to Chuvin, “two long lines” of real estate developers are prepared to offer such services to Sberbank. “At present, there are plenty of management proposals. Some concerns are willing to run assets free of charge, while others even use their own funds, i.e. make investments. The latter are fewer in number,” he noted. To pick a fee developer Sberbank Capital is to hold a tender at which it plans to approve commission fees, Sberbank’s division head specified.