ROSNO-MS Implements Program for Computerizing Medical Institutions
OREANDA-NEWS On 02 June was announced, that OJSC ROSNO-MS, together with the software development company Social Portal Ltd, continues implementing the standard automated OMI process management system developed under the order from the Moscow Regional Government in the medical treatment and preventive care institutions of the Moscow Region pursuant to the project "Electronic Podmoskov’e" (TASU MOFOMS).
The transition to the new information platform established on the basis of the state-of-the-art technology of the Medical Information System (MIS) enables medical institutions to make considerable improvements to the quality of control over the qualitative and quantitative performance characteristics; minimize financial losses from OMI operations on the technical inspections stage, expand and implement modern techniques for in-house automated expertise.
The built-in ability of the TASU MOFOMS system to expand its functionality has enabled the quickest possible provision of technical framework for the medical institutions to keep accounting and reporting under the national project "Health" with regard to the additional nationwide clinical examination and preparation of reporting on interterritorial settlements in the OMI system.
At present, with methodological support of OJSC ROSNO-MS, the Social Portal is developing an additional module for medical institutions, implementing such functions as preparation of basic forms of statistical accounting and reporting, a module for operational control and analysis (for the CMO workstation).
According to Mr. Vladimir Dereglazov, Deputy CEO of OJSC ROSNO-MS, and Mr. Alexander Kilyakov, head of the IT Department of OJSC ROSNO-MS, the most important element of the currently implemented TASU MOFOMS system is its technological basis enabling all participants of the OMI system to start using electronic medical cards already in the short-term perspective.