Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg Continues to Development Program
OREANDA-NEWS. June 02, 2009. Reconstruction of the warehouses Nr. 26 and 27 has been completed on the territory of the First Stevedoring Company (part of the group of companies “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg”). New grounds for open storage of general cargoes (ferrous metals) were created instead of outdated storage facilities.
The area of reconstructed open storage facilities amounts to 8 thousand sq. meters, which enables to handle over 127 thousand tons of cargoes.
The reconstruction of the storage facilities was performed within the development programme which is implemented in the group of companies “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg”. The investments into implementation of this programme amounted to over 36 mln. rubles.
Reference: the group of companies JSC "Sea port of Saint-Petersburg” includes "First Stevedoring Company", "Second Stevedoring Company”, "Third Stevedoring Company ", "Fourth Stevedoring Company”, “Universal Handling Facility” and a number of service companies.
The development programme of port infrastructure envisages the handling operations with more profitable cargoes and increase of the handling capacities of the company up to 20 mln. tons per year by means of construction of specialized handling facilities: container terminal, refrigerated terminal, car terminal and facility for ro-ro cargoes. The programme also includes the use of modern handling techniques and removal of environmentally unfriendly cargoes from Saint-Petersburg.
The reconstruction of the warehouse Nr. 22 (ZAO “FSC”) and the warehouse Nr. 20 (ZAO “SSC”) into the open storage grounds (annual capacity – 400 thousand tons ) was completed in 2008. Expenses for the implementation of the project amounted to 120 mln. rubles.
At the present time the reconstruction of the warehouses Nr. 9,10 (ZAO “SSC”) is being carried out. It is planned to complete these works on reconstruction in the second half of the current year.