Sibirtelecom Paid Off Bonds of Series 07
OREANDA-NEWS. On 01 June 2009 was announced, that Sibirtelecom OJSC fulfilled its obligations of paying off bonds, series 07 and paid the last 6th coupon on the bonds of this series.
Two milliard rubles were used to pay off the issue of bonds, series 07.
The rate of the 6th coupon yield was 8.65% per annum; 43.13 rubles were paid on each bond.
The total amount used to pay the 6th coupon was 86.26 mln rubles.
The coupon yield and the bonds were paid off according to the terms set by the “Decision on the issue” and in full.
It should be noted that Sibirtelecom has again proved the reputation of a bona fide borrower in the conditions of the financial crisis.
Bonds of series 07 are interest-bearing documentary bearer bonds with obligatory central storage (state registration number 4-07-00195-А of April 27, 2006). The volume of issue - 2 mlrd rubles, the number of bonds – 2 mln with the par value of 1 thousand rubles. The period of circulation – 3 years. The lead manager – Svyaz-Bank JSCB, co-manager – Promsvyazbank OJSC, financial adviser – Investment Company AVK, CJSC.
At present, there are Sibirtelecom’s bonds of series 06 and