OREANDA-NEWS. On 01 June 2009 was announced, that the representatives of Lietuvos Energija presented to the Minister of Energy Arvydas Sekmokas the progress report on strategic power line project Klaipeda-Telsiai. The project is valued at approximately LTL 117 million. The expected completion date of the line’s construction – end of 2013.

“I support all steps in encouraging the progress of this project. It is a strategic project of a particular significance, important for the interconnection between the Baltic and West European power systems and integration with Nord Pool market of the Nordic power system – said Mr. Arvydas Sekmokas, Minister of Energy.

The minister pointed out that a further important step is the construction of the transformer substation in the vicinity of the interconnection with Sovetsk (Russian Kaliningrad Region). This would allow the beginning of the formation of the independent Baltic power system. The minister also committed the management of Lietuvos Energija to present priority projects the implementation of which would help create the Baltic energy ring.   

After the final decision on the cable from Sweden to Lithuania is reached, it is particularly important to reinforce our domestic power grid. This project significantly contributes to joining of internal power grid into one ring and solving issues of reliability of transmission grid and security of electricity supply. 

The Minister of Energy was introduced to progress report on environmental impact assessment (EIA) and line route’s concept. From the comprehensively reviewed six alternatives two have been selected the length which is nearly 90 km. The lines go across the regions of Klaipeda, Plunge and Telsiai. A week ago the EIA presentations were conveyed in local governments, through which the lines are projected to cross. Currently comments from interested public members are anticipated, which may be taken into account while revising the route. The summarized opinion of the public on June 12 will be presented for assessment institutions (county administrations, local governments, public health centers, culture heritage institutions, etc. ), later – to the Ministry of Environment, which will adopt the final decision on line’s route.

Klaipeda-Telsiai line’s construction appeared in the general plan of the Republic of Lithuania as far back as 2002. In 2007 this project was included into the approved National Energy Strategy. The project was launched in May 27, 2008 after the Ministry of Economy ordered to commence the preparation of the special plan and delegated Lietuvos Energija to carry out functions of planning organizer.