OREANDA-NEWS. May 18, 2009. The Aizkraukles Banka financial results as of 30 April 2009 have been summarized, reported the press-centre of Aizkraukles Banka.

As of 30 April 2009, the value of the bank assets was equal to LVL 1.041 billion.

The amount of attracted deposits reached LVL 792.7 million. Compared to the results as of 31 December 2008, the amount of deposits has increased by LVL 83 million (growth by 11.7%). The amount of deposits has been steadily growing since the beginning of the year.

Since the beginning of the year, the loan portfolio has decreased by LVL 21.2 million to amount to LVL 625.8 million.

As of 30 April, the bank capital adequacy was equal to 15.70 %, and liquidity — to 48.83%, exceeding the FCMC minimum requirements — 8% for capital adequacy and 30% for liquidity.
The bank capital and reserves have increased to reach LVL 80 million, as of 30 April. The amounts hold in correspondent accounts, central bank, and due under other claims to banks total LVL 247 million.

JSC “Aizkraukles banka” is 100% owned by Latvian shareholders. The bank’s majority shareholders are Oleg Fil — 47.04% shares, Ernest Bernis and Nika Berne — 47.04% shares. The Aizkraukles Banka aim is to become the leading independent private bank in the Eastern Europe, combining all banking services, including asset management and advisory services, in a single customer-tailored offer. Aizkraukles Banka Group includes IPAS AB.LV Asset Management, IBAS AB.LV Capital Markets and other companies.