RUSNANO and FinNano Discussed Joint Project Implementation
OREANDA-NEWS. On 15 May 2009 was announced, that the representatives of Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) and the Finnish Nanotechnology Development Institute FinNano discussed the possibilities to implement the joint projects during their meeting in Saint-Petersburg.
- RUSNANO introduced the projects under evaluation by the Corporation to the Finnish partners with the proposal to take part in their financing, said Dmitry Lisenkov, RUSNANO Managing Director. – In exchange, the Finns presented their own projects requiring involvement from the Russian side. Our near-term plans include organizing the joint round-table discussion for potential investors.
The leaders of the Program for developing the nanotechnologies in
- Interest to Saint-Petersburg projects in the field of nanotechnologies from both the Russian and foreign investors keeps growing, emphasized Sergey Fiveysky, the First Deputy Chairman of CEDIPT. – it is related in many ways with the active cooperation of the Municipal Government with one of its strategic partners – RUSNANO. The Finnish experience in commercialization of innovative products and services, especially in the field of nanotechnologies, is important for both Saint-Petersburg and, more generally, for
The activities took part under the Agreement on cooperation between the State Corporation of Nanotechnologies and Saint-Petersburg Administration signed in December 2008.
The basic goals of cooperation between the city and the Corporation within the nearest several years will be the following:
implementation of the state policy in the field of nanotechnologies;
commercialization of scientific and technical activity in the sphere of nanotechnologies;
promotion of the infrastructural projects oriented towards development and commercialization of the nanotechnologies;
training and advanced training of specialists in the sphere of nanotechnologies.
The Corporation has already held three workshops with the innovative companies, financial institutions and representatives of the innovative infrastructure at ICC “Innovation”. Rusnano also discussed with the innovative community of the city a possibility for creating NanoFab (a new territory of the innovative development that will unite high schools, science and education, infrastructure, innovative companies) in Saint-Petersburg.