Solombala Pulp Mill to Launch Second Pulp Production Line
OREANDA-NEWS. May 13, 2009. In early June, Solombala pulp and paper mill (Arkhangelsk region, Russia, the part of Solombalales holding) will launch second pulp production line, as reported by the plant’s CEO Anatoly Drachev. Since the beginning of 2009 the pulp mill worked with only one production line, i.e. at half of its rated capacity.
In order to launch the line after the planned shutdown, on May 18-22 setting-up of the equipment will be performed. The human resources department is to hire new backtenders, couchers and equipment setup personnel.
According to Mr Drachev, launch of the second line is accounted for two reasons: first, it is necessary to increase sales volume in terms of all products, which will improve financial position of the company, second, it is essential to decrease cost of pulp production, and two production lines instead of one will make the operations more efficient.