Arkhenergo to Design New Substations in Arkhangelsk
OREANDA-NEWS. May 5, 2009. Appearance of two new substations will enable solving the energy deficiency issue and enable scale technological connection to the company networks
On 29 April “Arkhenergo” held a meeting of the field board of the Tariff and Price Department (TPD) of the Arkhangelsk region. The board made a decision to increase necessary gross earnings (NGE) for “Arkhenergo” within the limits of the tariff for services on electric power transmission for 2009. The revision of NGE for “Arkhenergo” branch of IDGC of North-West means an additional profit in the amount of RUR 40 million. The assets will be assigned for designing of two substations. The respective decision will come into effect on 1 May 2009.
Thus, authorities and power specialists have passed from a constructive dialogue to real actions. Financing for designing of substations has been received; it means that the sharpest problem of the power supply system of the Arkhangelsk region - deficiency of capacity - has started to be solved at last. Appearance of two new substations in Arkhangelsk will enable solving the energy deficiency and enable scale technological connection to the company networks and development of construction in the regional center.
Besides, since 1 May 2009, according to the TPD decision, mutual relations between the network companies will change: tariffs of inter-grid interaction will come into effect. Now JSC "Arkhenergosbyt" will settle accounts with each company, the networks of which the consumer is connected to, under uniform tariffs for services on electric energy transmission fixed by TPD Decision No.65-e/3 as of 28 November 2008.
Tariffs of inter-grid interaction will ensure reception by each network company of the economically proved total earnings. These changes do not imply a change of the tariff for the end user.