Ilim Group Reconfirms Its Responsible Forest Manager Status
OREANDA-NEWS. On 04 May 2009 was announced, that winners of the All-Russian Competition Russia's Best Enterprises: Progress, Efficiency, Responsibility held by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs received their awards in
The awards ceremony was held at the RUIE Industry and Innovations session. Award certificates were presented to the winners by Alexander Shokhin, President of the
ILIM Group is one of the major global leaseholders of forest resources and is guided by the international forest management standards in its operations. The Company was among the first P and P companies to begin voluntary certification of its forest management practices and chain of custody under the international standards of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Ilim Group has already certified approximately 5 million hectares of its leased timberland and is currently the leader of forest certification in