Astana-Finance Sells 176,626 Common Shares
OREANDA-NEWS. April 28, 2009. Astana-finance (Astana), the listed company of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), informed KASE by the official letter the following, reported the press-centre of KASE:
Joint stock company Astana-finance (hereinafter - the company) informs hereby its shareholders that the company Board of Directors decided to sell common shares of Astana-finance within previously bought back common shares of the company through subscription on the informal securities market. (the company Board of Directors decision of April 17, 2009).
In compliance with article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint Stock Companies", shareholders, owning the company common shares have the first option right for previously bought back common shares on equal terms in proportion to the number of bought back common shares at the selling price, established by the company Board of Directors. The list of shareholders with the first option right for being sol common shares is developed by the company registrar based on the company securities holders' registers system data as of 00:00 of April 17, 2009.
A shareholder during thirty days from April 27, 2009 (date of announcement on selling by the company of shares) has the right to submit an application for purchasing in compliance with the first option right.
A shareholder, who does not have enough number of shares to purchase being sold common shares of the company, may purchase being sold common shares based on the common property right with other shareholders of the company.
If the company shareholder is the nominee holder client, the information on which is absent in the central depository register system, the application to purchase being sold common shares is submitted by the central depository during above established terms.
The company shareholder or the central depository application for purchasing of being sold common shares in compliance with the first option right, developed in writing, shall be sent by the registered letter with notification of its delivery or personally by a shareholder or its authorized representative at below address.
If a shareholder or its authorized representative submits an application in person, this application is developed in two copies with indication on the second application copy on its receipt with indication of a date and time of receipt, last and first names (if available - a patronymic) and a signature of a received person.
Shareholders applications for purchasing of being sold common shares of the company must be submitted at the following postal address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana 010000, 12, Bigeldinov Str., room 304
Last name, first name, patronymic and details of a person interacting with shareholders of the company of purchasing of being sold common shares in compliance with the first option right for securities of the company: Head of Deals Department - Alfira Tomashpaeva. tel.: 8 (7172) 59 22 53. mailto: