OREANDA-NEWS. On 28 April 2009 was announced, that according to preliminary statements, the aggregate written premium of INGO Group companies, including IJSC Ingosstrakh (Russia), Ingosstrakh M (Russia), SOVAG (Germany), INGO Ukraine (Ukraine), Garant (Austria), IngoNord (Finland),  Belingostrakh (Republic of Belarus), INGO Armenia (Armenia), Kyrgyzinstrakh (Kyrgyz Republic), INGO Uzbekistan, Ingosstrakh Life Insurance Company (Russia), OAO Chrezvychainaya Strakhovaya Compania (Emergency Insurance Company, Russia), OAO MSK EMESK (Russia), in Qt. 1 2009 amounted to RUR 18.8bn, or 19% higher than the premium reported for the same period last year. The payments made by these companies over the period in question amount to RUR 12.3bn, or 39% higher than in Qt.1 2008.

The aggregate written premium reported by the Russian companies of INGO Group (IJSC Ingosstrakh, Ingosstrakh M, Ingosstrakh Life Insurance Company, OAO Chrezvychainaya Strakhovaya Compania (Emergency Insurance Company), OAO MSK EMESK) in direct insurance and risk reinsurance in Qt. 1, 2009 amounts to RUR 16.8bn, or 20% higher than in Qt. 1, 2008, including RUR 4.2bn attributable to Ingosstrakh M and MSK EMESK.  The payments made by the Russian companies of the Group in Qt. 1, 2009 amounted to RUR 11.3bn, or 43% higher than in Qt. 1, 2008.

The aggregate written premium of IJSC Ingosstrakh in Qt.1 2009 reached RUR 12.0bn, or 15.9% more than in Qt. 1, 2008, including RUR 10.9bn (+18.5%) in direct insurance, and RUR 1.1bn in incoming reinsurance.

In voluntary insurance other than life insurance (including incoming reinsurance), Ingosstrakh’s premium increased by 16.7% to RUR 10.9bn, including RUR 2.2bn (+23.4% vs. Qt 1, 2008) reported by private insurance), RUR 7.7bn (+18.3%) in property insurance, and RUR 1.0bn in voluntary liability insurance.

In compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MOTPL) Ingosstrakh reported RUR 1.1 bn in written premium (+8.3%).

The aggregate volume of payments made by IJSC Ingosstrakh in Qt. 1, 2009, amounted to RUR 7.0bn, or 41.4% higher than in Qt.1, 2008. The payments in direct insurance increased by 37.5% to RUR 6.1bn, the same in incoming reinsurance grew by 74.7% to RUR 0.9bn.

In voluntary insurance other than life insurance (including payments made in incoming reinsurance) the payments made by the Company amounted to RUR 6.2bn, including RUR 1.1bn in private insurance (other than life insurance), RUR 4.7bn in property insurance, adnd RUR 0.4bn in voluntary liability insurance. The total payments made in MOTPL in Qt.1, 2009 amounted to RUR 0.8bn.

During the period in focus, the assets of IJSC Ingosstrakh, Ingosstrakh Life, Ingosstrakh M, Emergency Insurance Company, and MSK EMESK increased by 16% vs. the same indicator as at April 01, 2008 and amounted to RUR 68bn. The increase of insurance reserves of the Russian companies within INGO Group is reported to amount to 18%, and the size of insurance reserves is RUR 48.1bn in absolute terms. The size of equity capital as at April 01, 2009 reached RUR 14.8bn, or 15% higher than the same parameter as at April 01, 2008. The profit before tax generated in Qt.1, 2009 by these companies is expected to exceed RUR 1.9bn.