OREANDA-NEWS. April 27, 2009. The seamless stainless steel tubes manufacturer in Ukraine of CJSC “CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE” announces the financial results for the first quarter 2009.
Net profit of enterprise amounted for 11 millions 661 thousand hryvna (20 millions 793 thousand for similar period in 2008); turnover — 227 millions 231 thousand (306 millions 825 thousand). The assets sum is increased from the first of January 2009 from 1 billion 153 millions 336 thousand to 1 billion 81 millions 913 thousand.
As It should be observed in the company in respect of final results of the first quarter 2009 it should be noted also staff structure optimization, intensive start-up and commissioning operations of the new tube press and rolling equipment of enterprise, implementation of the project of minimization of expenditures and the productivity growth, fulfilled jointly with Austrian company Czipin Consulting. For the present time CJSC “CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE” has a stable 2-month’s briefcase of orders for production (in 2008 an average briefcase of orders — 3 months), carries out obligations before creditors and additional conditions according to credit contracts.