OREANDA-NEWS. On 23 April 2009 was announced, that Belarusbank annually takes part in competitions of Western Union Company -"Best teams of the country" and "Club 500". For the past several years winning in such competitions become regular for bank's specialists, who make transfers via Western Union system, and for the bank in whole. Thus following the results of the work in 2008 the outlet №703/80 of Belarusbank in Bobruisk won the victory in international contest "Club 500" in the category "Best service" among Western Europe and CIS countries. Western Union invited Independent Audit Company to evaluate the work of service outlets. This audit company pointed high level of professionalism of this outlet's employees, their benevolence and politeness towards clients. And service level of this outlet made 96 points out of 100! Western Union Company invited transaction specialists of the outlet №703/80 - Cherkashina Galina, Medvedeva Elena and Skudnaya Svetlana and also Rusak Alexandr, head of international settlements division - to participate in the award ceremony in Cape Town, the Republic of South Africa. Time spent in this country, warm bright welcome, active participation of our specialist in the events, sight-seeing tours, including Mensa, famous grape farms of RSA, and of coarse the award ceremony itself made very lively and affecting impression. After final part of "Club 500" program there was annual conference of Western Union Company's agents in Cape Town. World banks' financial institutions' executives took part in this conference. Advanced features of Western Union system and prospects for its development were discussed in the course of the conference. Company's executives spoke on the extension of Western Union global presence, strengthening of relations with partners and company's support to all their ventures. According to the words of Hikmet Ersek, Vice President of Western Union Company, dynamic growth of transactions on international markets in the segment "transfer of funds among physical bodies" was primary caused by network of service outlets development, presented by banks-partners and their marketing initiators, connected with service promotion. But the awarding ceremony of banks and financial institutions of the world that showed the most tangible results in working with Western Union system became the most significant part of the conference. The fact, that Belarusbank was in the list of nominees for the award "The best quality of clients servicing" (Excellence Service) became real breakthrough, all the more so, because 12 banks and financial institutions from different countries of the world - India, Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Romania, Hong Kong and other - were presented in this nomination. But the victory in this nomination and gaining the title of the best bank in quality of clients servicing via Western Union system by Belarusbank was unexpected and startling event for all of us!
While our bank's awarding besides congratulations the bank got frank appreciation for fruitful and effective work, aimed at service development of Western Union cash transfers, and also were admitted high level service of our employees and client comfort provided by Belarusbank. Western Union Company also highly estimated our bank's leading positions in retail banking market in the Republic of Belarus and the volume of cash transfers, made by bank officers year after year. To confirm this estimation Western Union Company also transferred to our bank extra commission in the amount of two and a half million of Russian rubles following the results of work in 2008.
Indeed awarding of Belarusbank as the best bank in quality of clients servicing justified Bank's correct strategy, aimed at continuous quality improvement and enlargement of rendered services range of clients' assets transfer. This award is not only an important measure of bank's performance, but it is also figure of client-centeredness and professionalism of employees. And at the same time the title of the best bank calls for stricter and more serious attitude towards yourself and your work. And only this attitude makes possible movement to new achievements and performances.