YeMZ Launches Next Stage of Blast Furnace No 3 Construction
OREANDA-NEWS. On April 21, 2009 Yenakiyevo Steel Plant (YeMZ) has launched the next stage of construction of Blast Furnace No.3 (BF) The lining of a vital BF unit - stove block designed by a Russian company Kalugin - is being in progress. BF No 3 is being constructed in line with development and modernization strategy of Steel and Rolled Metal Division of Metinvest Group. Investments into the project amount to US261m., reported the press-centre of SCM.
Construction of the blast furnace No.3 has been started early in 2007 and is to be completed in Q2 2010. This is going to be the biggest facility in the BF shop at YeMZ – the working volume of BF-3 will make 1,719 cu m (the working volume of BF-5 commissioned in 2007 is 1,513 cu m). The new furnace will be equipped with three stoves designed by Kalugin company. They will help improve technical and economic performance of the furnace, firstly, through coke savings. The new stoves (cowpers) ensure 1200-1250C of hot blast operations. As a result, the specific coke consumption by the new furnace will make 466 kg/tonnes (compare with decommissioned BF-3, which blasted at 900-950C and consumed 528 kg/t of coke).
The furnace will be equipped with pulverised coal injection system (PCI), which will help stop using the natural gas. The maximum specific consumption of pulverized coal can make 240 kg/t of pig iron. PCI will cut the specific coke consumption to 350 kg/t of pig iron.
Modern aspiration systems of cast house and trestle reducing air emissions to 50 mg/cu. m. (about 40%) are an important element of the new complex. The aspiration gas will be cleaned with modern powerful electric filters. To improve operating conditions of BF keepers and ensure environmental safety, the cast house will run in a closed-type mode.
Today the first stove is being lined. The BF No 3 reconstruction schedule provides 273 days for lining of three stoves.
Representatives of Kalugin (Russia) ensure design supervision of refractory laying process.
"We've engaged skilled workers, who were involved in construction of blast furnace No 5, where the most economical stove systems designed by Yakov Kalugin were installed for the first time ever at YeMZ", said CEO of YeMZ Aleksandr Podkorytov. "We apply the latest practices and approaches in BF No 3 construction process and pay special attention to environment protection and health and safety improvements".
"We continue with comprehensive modernization of metal facilities in Metinvest Group. BF 3 at Yenakiyevo Steel Plant is an essential stage of development program for Steel and Rolled Metal Division", said Jack MacLachlan, Director Steel and Rolled Metal Division. "When the plant development program has been completed, YeMZ will be a modern and highly efficient enterprise meeting the best global standards".