OREANDA-NEWS. On 20 April 2009 was announced, that a team of Oranta’s employees will take part in the ecological activity initiated and organized by the partner organization – United Nation’s Global Compact network in Ukraine. In the framework of the Go Green campaign employees of Global Compact member companies will show their environmental responsibility and unite their efforts in voluntary cleaning of Kiev’s green zones.
On behalf of Oranta on the occasion of the Earth Day we are pleased to invite you to “Zelena Toloka” that will take place on April 25 (Saturday) at Trukhaniv Island. This year we are going to clean up the area from Moskoskiy to Zaliznychny bridges. This time a famous Ukrainian singer and enthusiast Oleg Skrypka, initiator of the ethnic festival “Krayina Mriy” also joined the initiative. We invite you, your families and friends who not only dream of the clean country but are ready to make a contribution to join us in these responsible efforts!
Meeting place: Trukhaniv Island, lawn behind Moskovskiy brigde (go from metro station “Petrivka” in the direction of the bus stop “Park Druzhby Narodiv”, and then follow by 5 minutes walk).
It has become a good tradition in the framework of the Go Green campaign to conduct joint ecological activities, uniting efforts of the GC members, their families and friends for cleaning green zones of Kiev. Oranta joined the Global Compact initiative in December, 2008 by becoming a signatory of the Compact thus publicly declaring its commitment to the principles of socially-responsible business.
More information about the UN Global Compact initiative and “Zelena Toloka” activity at globalcompact.org.ua.