Blagoveschensk Hosts Space Russia Exhibition
OREANDA-NEWS. April 13, 2009. Space Russia exhibition opened in Blagoveschensk regional local museum on April 11. The opening is timed to the Cosmonautics Day celebrated in Russia and all over the world on April 12. The exposition was organized by Konstantin Chmarov, Vostochny space port Construction Minister in the Government of the Amurskaya region.
In his introductory speech, Mr. Chmarov emhasized that the main goal of the exposition is to promote Soviet and Russian achievements in the space industry. This exposition is probably the only one in the world which presents information about world space ports, and more datailed data, such as documents, photos, samples and mockups of the space objects, about Russian space ports. Mr. Chmarov expressed his gratitude towards those who helped him to organise this exhibition, and towards organizations, including Russian Federal Space Agency, actively involved in construction activities of the Vostochny space port.
Mr. Chmarov said that regional autorities are very patriotic about the new Russian space port. On April 9, Government of Amurskaya region signed agreements with the Amur State University, Moscow Aviation Institute and South-Urals University on educational program of the future specialists for the Vostochny space port.
The opening ceremony was also attended by the smallest "space ambassador" of the Amurskaya region, Stanislav Pyatkin. The boy has won the 3-d place in the Soyuz TMA-14 patch contest organized by Roscosmos and sponsored by the Russian Insurance Center. A couple of weeks ago Stas returned from Baikonur, where he was seeing off the Soyuz TMA-14 crew before their mission to the International Space Station.
Stanislav was sharing his feelings about this tour with the people at the exhibition. It looks like he was really impressed, because he has changed his mind about becoming an architect. Now Stas dreams about becoming a space vehicle designer.