Cherkizovo Group Announced Preliminary Results for 2008
OREANDA-NEWS. April 09, 2009.
Financial Year 2008 Performance
Net income increased 27% to US 78.1 mln compared to US61.6 mln in 2007
Adjusted EBITDA* increased 31% year-on-year to US 152.8 mln, compared to US 116.4 mln in 2007
Adjusted EBITDA* margin of 13%, compared to 14% in 2007
Gross Profit increased 26% to US 279.4 mln compared to US 222.3 mln in 2007
Gross margin at 24%, compared to 27% in 2007
Revenues increased 42% to US 1.2 bln, compared to US 820.8 mln in 2007.
The reported numbers include US 52.8 million of subsidies accrued for 2008. This consists of US 31.0 million of Federal Budget direct subsidies provided for the first half of the year, US 3.4 million of regional direct subsidies provided for 12 months that were offset against cost of sales for the full year 2008, and subsidies for interest reimbursement of US 18.4 million which offset interest expense. Out of the accrued subsidies, the Group has not yet received US 13.1 million as of 31 December 2008, and this amount is included in other receivables.
Business Developments
Completed and commissioned all greenfield farms in Lipetsk and Tambov, all 6 new state-of-the-art pork farms are operational
Maintained leadership positions and further realized synergies resulting from acquisition of Chicken Kingdom
Successfully completed secondary public offering
Began trade of ordinary shares on MICEX
Sergey Mikhailov, Chief Executive Officer of Cherkizovo Group, said:
“The Company continues to make solid progress against its strategic objectives, despite a challenging market environment. We increased our sales by 42%, adjusted EBITDA by 31% and net income by 27% and continued to deliver real value for all our shareholders. However, the dramatic rise in grain prices in the first six months of the year exerted some pressure on margins for the whole year, despite substantial government support and operational efficiencies.
Production volumes in the Company’s Pork division increased 40% in 2008, reflecting the scale benefits emerging from the greenfield modules at the Lipetsk and Tambov breeding facilities. The substantial investments that the Company has undertaken to increase capacity are now fully complete. The division also benefited from a significant increase in pork prices over the period.
The Company’s Poultry division was affected by lower than expected poultry price increases in the beginning of the year, primarily due to increased imports. Moreover, gross margins faced a marked impact from grain prices, although at the operating level this was mitigated to some extent by the economies of scale and synergy benefits from the OJSC Kurinoe Tsarstvo (Chicken Kingdom) acquisition.
Rising raw meat prices and increasing pressure from retail chains had a significant impact on gross margins within the Meat Processing division. Nevertheless, the Company’s continuing focus on innovation and improving our value-added products offering won several awards for product quality over the period.
These results have clearly benefited from the support of US 52.8 million in direct subsidies and interest reimbursement provided by the Russian government, largely in response to uniquely challenging conditions for our business. The difficult conditions remain in place, and further support is therefore necessary to ensure that the Company continues to deliver against its objectives. Moreover, the Company has current debt commitments in place, and the ability to service those commitments and complete advanced investment projects, to a large extent depends on the overall financial and economic situation, and continued support from Cherkizovo’s banking partners.
More broadly, the underlying operating dynamics remain supportive for the business, as food consumption per capita continues to increase in Russia. Consistent with activity elsewhere in the world, the Russian government has taken measures to support the domestic economy, and this timely involvement is welcomed. Despite the difficult environment, management remains encouraged by the Company’s prospects for 2009. Some key commodity price pressures appear to be abating, while the Company’s relentless focus on execution leaves it well positioned for growth.”
Group Results
The Group performed strongly in 2008.
Overall sales increased by 42% to US1.2 billion in 2008 (2007: US820.8 million). Meat processing accounted for 49% (57% in 2007), poultry for 42% (35% in 2007) and pork for 9% (8% in 2007) of the Group’s sales. Our pork and poultry divisions showed the strongest growth in the year with the pork division growing at 61% and the poultry division at 70%.
Gross profit increased by 26% to US279.4 million (2007: US222.3 million), while gross margins decreased to 24% (2007: 27%). The company managed to increase profits in spite of the challenging inflationary pressures on grain primarily as a result of its efficient purchasing strategy, increased operational efficiency at its new pork facilities and product mix improvements in its poultry and meat processing businesses.
Net income increased 27% to US 78.1 million (2007: US61.6 million). Net income margin slightly decreased to 7% (2007: 8%).
Adjusted EBITDA* increased 31% year-on-year to US 152.8 million (2007: US116.4 million) and adjusted EBITDA* margin slightly decreased to 13% (2007: 14%).
Without the direct subsidies and interest rate reimbursement provided by the Russian Government, the numbers for 2008 would have been the following: Gross profit – US 245.0 mln, Gross margin – 21%, Net income - US 25.2 mln, and Net income margin - 2%
Operational and Financial Review
The Group made certain adjustments to the prior year financial statements to reflect the effects of discontinued operations. In November 2008, management of the Group made a decision to dispose of a subsidiary in the meat processing segment – JSC Belmyaso, in order to optimize the cost structure of the meat processing segment. The sale was completed in December 2008, with the Group selling 75% of shares in JSC Belmyaso for US 68,000. Therefore the financial position and results of operations of JSC Belmyaso have been separately disclosed as of and for the year ended 31 December 2007.
Impairment of non-current assets
In accordance with applicable standards, the Group conducted an analysis of impairment of non-current assets at 31 December 2008, including property, plant and equipment, goodwill and trademarks. Evidence of impairment was found only for trademarks, mainly due to an increase in the Group’s weighted average cost of capital. The amount of impairment was determined to be \\$2.3 million which was included in operating expenses.
In accordance with Russian legislation, agricultural producers are entitled to subsidies on certain qualifying loans, as well as targeted subsidies based on the amount of meat produced.
In the first six months of 2008, the Federal Budget of the Russian Federation was amended to increase the total assignment of funds for subsidies to agricultural producers by introducing subsidies to compensate for the high cost of mixed fodder used in the production of poultry and pork.
In September 2008, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree providing formulas for calculating subsidies to agricultural producers. The decree was based on the change to the law on the Federal Budget of the Russian Federation that was approved by the Duma of the Russian Federation on 30 June 2008.
Based on the decree, subsidies of 5 roubles and 10 roubles per kilogram of live-weight of poultry and pork produced for slaughter were introduced, respectively. These subsidies reduced cost of sales in the poultry and pork segments. Out of the total amount of subsidies, US23.2 million and US 7.8 million relate to the poultry and pork segments, respectively.
In addition to federal subsidies, the Group was also granted regional administration subsidies in the amount of US3.4 million.
However, out of the total amount of US 52.8 million in accrued subsidies, US 13.1 million were not paid as of 31 December 2008 (US 6.5 million in direct subsidies, and US6.6 million in interest reimbursement subsidies) and this amount is included in other receivables.
Poultry Division
In 2008 total volume growth in the poultry division increased 12% to approximately 187,000 tonnes, compared to 167,000 tonnes in 2007. Prices for Cherkizovo poultry sales increased by 11% from 57.71 roubles per kg in 2007 to 63.87 roubles per kg in 2008 (excluding VAT). In dollar terms prices increased by 14% from US 2.26 per kg in 2007 to US 2.57 per kg in 2008 (excluding VAT).
As a result, total sales in the poultry division increased by 70% from US296.8 million to US 505.2 million.
The poultry division gross profit increased 49% to US 138.9 million (2007: US93.4 million). Gross margin decreased to 27% (2007: 31%), mostly due to high grain prices in the first part of the year. However, Federal subsidies of US 23.2 million and regional subsidies of US1.3 million offset some of the increase in grain prices.
Divisional operating expenses decreased as a percentage of sales year-on-year from 16% to 14%. The improvement was mostly due to synergies achieved by selling products from the newly acquired OJSC Kurinoe Tsarstvo (Chicken Kingdom) through the Poultry Division’s existing distribution network. As a result, operating income in the division increased by 45% to US68.4 million (2007: US 47.2 million), while divisional operating margin decreased from 16% to 14% in the corresponding period. Divisional interest expense increased to US 14.6 million (2007: US 10.7 million). Divisional profit increased 32% to US 51.3 million (2007: US 38.8 million), as a result of the above mentioned factors.
Accordingly, Cherkizovo’s adjusted EBITDA* in the poultry division increased 58% to US93.2 million (2007: US59.1 million), delivering a strong adjusted EBITDA* margin of 18% (2007: 20%), despite a challenging environment for grain and poultry prices.
Pork Division
2008 was a landmark year in the development of the pork segment, as Cherkizovo completed construction and commenced production at its new greenfield farms in Lipetsk and Tambov. Sales volumes in the pork division were up 40% to approximately 39,000 tonnes, compared to approximately 28,000 tonnes in 2007.
Prices in rouble terms increased by 11% in 2008 from 61.58 roubles per kg in 2007 to 68.36 roubles per kg in 2008 (excluding VAT). In dollar terms, prices increased by 14% in 2008 from \\$2.41 per kg of live weight in 2007 to US 2.75 per kg of live weight in 2008 (excluding VAT).
As result total sales increased 61% to US 112.5 (2007: US69.9 million)
The new pork facilities at Lipetsk further improved our performance in 2008. This had an effect on our cost of sales and, as a result, despite both high wheat and barley prices in 2008, our gross profit increased 63% to US47.6 million (2007: US29.2 million). Gross margin for this division remained strong at 42% largely due to the increase in selling price, increased operational efficiencies from the new pork farms, and as a result of federal subsidies of US 7.8 million and regional subsidies of US2.1 million offsetting the grain price increase. The division’s operating expenses as a percentage of sales year-on-year remain at 7%.
The division’s operating income increased 60% to US39.3 million (2007: US24.5 million). Operating margin remained constant at 35%. Divisional interest expense increased slightly to US1.7 million (2007: US1.4 million). Divisional profit increased 62% to US 37.5 million (2007: US23.1 million). The division generated adjusted EBITDA* of US 45.1 million, an increase of 56% on the previous period (2007: US29.0 million) and an adjusted EBITDA margin* of 40% for the year (2007: 42%).
We believe that the developments at Lipetsk and Tambov are expected to further improve the division’s performance and sustain strong margins.
Meat Processing Division
Sales volumes in the meat processing segment remained largely flat, but were slightly lower year on year, down 3% to approximately 145,000 tonnes.
As a result of raw meat price growth, average prices increased by 19% from 87.51 roubles in 2007 to 103.86 roubles in 2008 (excluding VAT). Segment prices in dollar terms increased by 22% from US 3.42 per kg in 2007 to US 4.18 per kg in 2008 (excluding VAT). We were delighted to receive several awards for the quality of our meat products during the period reflecting our focus on improving the Group’s value-added product offering.
Total sales in our meat processing division increased by 24% to US 577.9 million (2007: US\\$467.2 million), principally as a result of significantly higher selling prices.
Divisional gross profit decreased 6% to US93.3 million (2007: US 99.7 million), mostly due to raw meat price growth and significantly increasing pressure from retail chains. Gross margin in the Meat Processing Division decreased from 21% to 16%, mostly due to raw meat price increases. Operating expenses, as a percentage of sales, decreased to 15% from 17% in 2007 mostly due to the decreased marketing and advertising expenses. Resulting from these factors, operating income in 2008 was US 7.4 million. Divisional interest expense increased 6% to US \\$14.8 million (2007: US 13.9 million).
The division’s loss was US 7.3 million in 2008. Adjusted EBITDA* of the Meat Processing Division decreased to US 25.6 million (2007: US 36.6 million). Adjusted EBITDA* margin decreased to 4% from 8%.
2008 was a difficult year in terms of the operating environment, and 2009 promises to be equally challenging. The various uncertainties that could have an impact on the Company’s performance include grain prices, domestic consumption, government activity, devaluation of the Rouble against other currencies and other external factors. However the Company believes that it will benefit from increased production scale in its pork and poultry segments, and improved operating efficiency. That notwithstanding, further government support is necessary to ensure the Company continues to deliver against its objectives.
As a leading integrated and diversified meat producer, Cherkizovo occupies an important position within a sector of strategic significance to the government. The Company is focused on further growth through its vertically integrated business model, which offers inherent defensiveness in unpredictable conditions. However, the ability for further expansion and development of the business is greatly influenced by the current uncertainty within the overall financial and economic situation, and by the ability to access bank financing in the future.
In summary, it is a combination of the Company’s strategic positioning, track record of operational execution, and a continued focus on growth that leaves management cautiously optimistic about the Company’s prospects for 2009 and beyond.
*Non-GAAP financial measures. This press release includes financial information prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, or US GAAP, as well as other financial measures referred to as non-GAAP. The non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information prepared in accordance with US GAAP.
Adjusted Earnings before Interest, Income Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (“Adjusted EBITDA”). Adjusted EBITDA represents income before interest, income tax and minority interest, adjusted for certain other items as shown in the reconciliation in Appendix 1. Adjusted EBITDA margin is defined as Adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of our net revenues. Our adjusted EBITDA may not be similar to adjusted EBITDA measures of other companies; is not a measurement under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States and should be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information contained in our consolidated statement of operations. We believe that adjusted EBITDA provides useful information to investors because it is an indicator of the strength and performance of our ongoing business operations, including our ability to fund discretionary spending such as capital expenditures, acquisitions and other investments and our ability to incur and service debt. While depreciation and amortization are considered operating costs under generally accepted accounting principles, these expenses primarily represent the non-cash current period allocation of costs associated with long-lived assets acquired or constructed in prior periods. Our adjusted EBITDA calculation is commonly used as one of the bases for investors, analysts and credit rating agencies to evaluate and compare the periodic and future operating performance and value of companies within our industry. Adjusted EBITDA is reconciled to our consolidated statements of operations in Appendix 1.
Some of the information in this press release may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of the Group. You can identify forward looking statements by terms such as “expect,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “will,” “could,” “may” or “might” the negative of such terms or other similar expressions. We wish to caution you that these statements are only predictions and that actual events or results may differ materially. We do not intend to update these statements to reflect events and circumstances occurring after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Many factors could cause the actual results to differ materially from those contained in our projections or forward-looking statements, including, among others, general economic conditions, our competitive environment, risks associated with operating in Russia, rapid market change in our industry, as well as many other risks specifically related to the Group and its operations.