Power Machines Will Proceed with Modernization of Reftinskaya SDPP
OREANDA-NEWS. April 10, 2009. Power Machines OJSC and OGK-5 OJSC have concluded a contract for delivery of a thyristor excitation system for the TVM-500 generator forming part of Reftinskaya SDPP Power Unit 9. Power Machines were awarded the contract pursuant to their rights of winner of an open tender having been arranged in 2008. The contract price exceeds 50 million Rubles.
Under the contract the Power Machines OJSC production branch of Electrosila shall undertake fabrication and delivery of a new thyristor excitation system for Reftinskaya SDPP. The equipment fabrication is scheduled to be completed by June 2009.
Earlier, during 2006-2008, Power Machines specialists participated in successful replacement of three excitation systems undertaken within the framework of the Reftinskaya SDPP power equipment modernization activities, with two of the excitation systems having been fabricated for the 500 MW power unit and the third one – for the 300 MW power unit.
Currently Power Machines are contractually involved in similar excitation system replacement activities at a number of major power industry facilities including Bratskaya HPP, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Ust-Ilimskaya HPP, Kamskaya HPP and Zagorskaya HPSPP.