Russia Hopes to Cooperate with Italy in Nuclear Energy
OREANDA-NEWS. April 7, 2009. Russia is going to enlarge its cooperation with Italy not only in the gas sector but also in the field of power engineering, particularly, in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, says Minister of Energy of Russia Sergey Shmatko.
“Particularly, tomorrow, during the Russian-Italian economic forum in Moscow, we are planning to sign a number of agreements between Italian Eni and Gazprom and ENI Power and Inter RAO UES. We have also agreed to sign a company-level agreement for cooperation in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy,” says Shmatko.
“Our ministries will sign a memorandum for cooperation in the field of energy efficiency. I think that we are successfully developing our traditional partnership in the gas sector,” says Shmatko.
“I would like to point out the partner approach of the Italian Government and companies during the January gas crisis and when Ukraine and the European Union were signing the declaration for modernization of Ukraine’s gas transportation system. Our Italian partners reacted immediately and said that without Russia such an agreement was more like a political act with unclear intentions.”
Shmatko believes that without Russia Ukraine and the EU cannot cooperate in the gas sector.
“I think that Italy is one of the leaders of the Russian-European energy dialogue. And we will develop this role,” says Shmatko.