New Block Will Be Built Up in Cheryomushki
OREANDA-NEWS. On 06 April 2009 was announced, that a dwelling house, a sports and fitness centre, two multilevel parking garages and other objects are to be erected within the development of block 32A in Cheryomushki township, southwestern Moscow.
A house with underground parking for 459 vehicles, a kindergarten designed to accommodate 95 children, a 350-capacity addition to school No 1115, two multilevel parking garages, each with a capacity of 300 vehicles, a sports centre featuring an ice rink will be raised in Cheryomushki at the expense of Moscow’s city budget. Besides, a park will be laid out in the township.
A proposal to build up the area during a period of time from 2009 to 2012 was submitted by the prefecture of Moscow’s southwestern administrative district. The control over the decree implementation has been entrusted to Vladimir Resin, first deputy Moscow Mayor, and the district prefect Aleksey Chelyshev.