Gazprombank Increased Its Equity by RUR 30 Billion
OREANDA-NEWS. On 02 April 2009 was announced, that Gazprombank had engaged a subordinated deposit of VNESHECONOMBANK in the amount of RUR 15 billion. Earlier, an equivalent deposit of RUR 15 billion was placed in Gazprombank by its major shareholders OAO Gazprom, Non-State Pension Fund Gazfond and "Leader" Asset Management according to the requirements of the Federal Law No. 173-FZ "About additional measures to support the financial system of the Russian Federation". The subordinated deposits were placed for a term over 10 years.
As of March 1st, 2009, Gazprombank’s equity made out RUR 156 billion showing an increase of 13% to be compared with the end of 2008.
"Currently, subordinated deposits is one of the most important sources of long-term finance, – highlighted GPB’s Deputy Chairman of Board Alexander Sobol, – Gazprombank will use the equity growth for further increase of loans to the real sector of the Russuian economy".
According to Alexander Sobol, Gazprombank’s financial plan provides for increase of the loan portfolio by 50% in 2009.
For 2009, Gazprombank considers additional possibilities to increase its equity by funds of the State and shareholders in order to extend loaning of industrial companies and to participate in implementation of the Russian Government anti-crisis measures.