RBD Took Part in Round Table on Govt Support to Leasing Companies
OREANDA-NEWS. March 31, 2009. The Russian Bank for Development participated in the round table “Government Support to Leasing Companies: How Do Anti-Crisis Measures Work? Challenges and Solutions” organized by “Leasing Review” Magazine, reported the press-centre of Russian Bank for Development.
Svetlana Biran, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Russian Bank for Development made a report on a two-tier procedure of SME lending support with the use of leasing mechanisms designed by RBD. According to Mrs. Biran, the program’s implementation is one of the priorities of the Bank in 2009.
The main objectives of the project are establishing of mechanisms of “targeted” support to SMEs, “transparent” procedures for selection projects to be financed under this program, as well as regional accessibility of resources for SMEs. The program is being designed relying on the expertise of the RF Chamber of Trade and Industry. S.Biran accentuated the criticality of this program, inasmuch as it enables to identify key possibilities for SMEs to overcome the crunch. One of the priority aspects of the program is support to SMEs which provide new jobs.
Y.Tsarev - Head of the Office of Leasing Section of CTI, Alexei Ermolaev –Executive Director of the Small Business Lending Foundation, Larisa Efremova – Partner of BDO “Unicon” Group, and representatives from regional leasing companies participated in the round table.