Integra Group Repays Total USD 217 Million of Its Short Term Debt
OREANDA-NEWS. On 27 March 2009 Integra Group (LSE:INTE), a leading Russian independent provider of onshore oilfield services and manufacturer of oilfield services equipment, announced the disbursement of funds to the payment agent National Depositary Center (NDC) for timely repayment of its RUB2.0 billion (USD 59 million) bond. Since February 25, 2009 the Group has paid down a total of USD 217 million in its short term debt, which included the following loans and bonds:
• USD 135 million bridge loan with ABN AMRO and ING Bank N.V;
• RUB 600 million (USD 16.6 million) loan from Uralsib;
• EUR 2.4 million (USD 3.0 million) loan from Commerzbank;
• RUB 100 million (USD 2.8 million) loan from Alfa Bank;
• RUB 2 billion (USD 59 million) 1st tranche of Russian Ruble bonds; and
• USD 0.4 million other short term debt
The loans were repaid using the proceeds from the USD 250 million facility from EBRD and a syndicate of commercial banks. Following the repayments and partial drawdown of the EBRD loan, the Group has the following debt currently outstanding:
• USD 225 million loan from EBRD with multiple tranches maturing in December, 2011 and December, 2013
• RUB 600 million (USD 17.7 million) loan from Sberbank maturing in October, 2009;
• RUB 100 million (USD 2.96 million) loan from Sberbank with final maturity in April, 2011;
• RUB 3 billion (USD 88.7 million) 2nd tranche of Russian Ruble bonds, maturing in 2011 with a one-time put option in December, 2009; and
• USD 2.3 million other short term debt.