Cooperation between Karelia and Norway Moves to New Level
OREANDA-NEWS. On 24 March 2009 was announced, that Norway is among important business partner of Karelia. Therefore, there is no wonder that at the meeting of Prime Minister of the Government of Karelia Pavel Chernov with the Consul General of the Kingdom of Norway in St.Petersburg Mr Rune Aasheim on March 20 matters, first of all, concerned prospects of cooperation between the two Nordic regions.
Cooperation between Karelia and Norway started to develop actively since 1993, when the Council of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (CBER) was founded. From 2004 to 2008 the volume of export and import transactions with Norway made from USD 36 to USD 66 million dollars. On results of 2008 the volume of foreign trade turnover has reached USD 57,8 million.
However, both parties consider, that it is necessary to make our relations more active in the sphere of economy and industry. A strong foundation is already laid for this purpose: contacts to Petrozavodskmash joint-stock company have been established and continue today, great interest is shown by the Norwegian party to Karelian development in the field of fire-prevention robotics. Cooperation in social sphere, preservation of environment, development of tourism became traditional. Contacts in the field of culture, education and scientific research, in youth issues extend.
Karelian-Norwegian relations should move to a qualitatively new level upon launching the project on development of Shtokmanovsky gas-condensate field. According to the project, delivery of gas to Europe will to go by North-Streem gas pipe line for which purpose the gas main through Kola peninsula will be constructed also through the territory of Karelia.
At the meeting Pavel Chernov has in detail answered questions of the Norwegian visitor who was pretty much interested in the condition of Karelian economy, in particular, its timber industry complex affected by the world crisis phenomena.
Mr Rune Aasheim, who was the Consul General of Norway in Murmansk since 2004, is visiting Karelia for the third time, but he has called his present visit the most rich and welcome of Karelian party - very warm. Norwegian diplomat has told that Karelia has pleasantly surprised him for the second time. Six months ago, having received his designation as the Consul General in St. Petersburg, Rune Aasheim with his family was moving from Murmansk to the Northern capital by car. Crossing the border berween Murmansk region and Karelia, on his own words, Rune Aasheim has thought: "What's that Karelia, where roads are as smooth, as in Finland? "
During his visit to Petrozavodsk the Norwegian diplomat has discussed some issues of cooperation in the republican ministries and departments which experts are already charged to develop corresponding offers within the cooperation projects.
At the end of the meeting Pavel Chernov and Rune Aasheim have exchanged souvenirs and expressed confidence, that Karelian-Norwegian cooperation will keep developing in all directions and will act a positive part both in the region, and in the world, as model of good neighbourly relations between the countries.