Lietuvos Energija AB Expects LTL 0.5 mln Cost-Cut
OREANDA-NEWS. On 24 March 2009 was announced, that Lietuvos Energija AB is optimizing its real estate management, seeking to reduce its costs and unbundle functions, unrelated to the core functions of the transmission grid operator. This year the company expects to save over half a million LTL in operation costs.
Lietuvos Energija AB has reached a decision to rent out its building at Zgveju g. 14, in Vilnius, which has so far been its key head office – the staff is currently being relocated to an adjacent building at Juozapavichius g. 14, which, having been vacated by the Department of Tourism and State Energy Inspection, has unoccupied premises available. Moreover, the company also plans to rent out premises of Professional Health Care facilities with their entire equipment.
“It is a part of the company business efficiency improvement program. The unbundling of activities is an extremely important aspect of this program”, - says Mr.Darius Masionis, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Lietuvos Energija AB. According to him, at the moment, while optimizing the functions of the company, a comprehensive analysis of the company activities and their inventory is being performed.
According to Mr. D.Masionis, based on company assets costs adjustment in terms of quality and quantity, an optimum volume of the real estate will be defined, necessary for the performance of the chosen activities and functions of the company.
In the short run Lietuvos Energija AB plans to revise activities of the company-owned resort center in Neringa (Litorina) and conference center in Dubingiai (Dubingiai).