ASYL-INVEST Refused Market-Maker Status on Bonds of Transstroimost
OREANDA-NEWS. By the decision of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Board of March 20, 2009, has been annulled the decision of KASE Board on assignment to ASYL-INVEST (Almaty) from March 20, 2009 of the market-maker status on KASE on bonds KZ2CKY05B950 (KASE official list, the first subcategory of "Non-rated Debt Securities" category, TSSMb1; KZT100, KZT5.0 bn.; April 6, 06 - April 5, 11, the semi-annual coupon indexed on the inflation rate, 12.00 % APR for the current coupon period) of Transstroimost (Almaty Region), reported the press-centre of KASE.
This decision was made based on ASYL-INVEST application.