Alexander Shikov Appointed as Director of VNIINM
OREANDA-NEWS. March 20, 2009. Director General of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation Sergey Kiriyenko has decreed to appoint Alexander Shikov as Director of the A.A.Bochvar All-Russian Research Institute of Inorganic Materials (VNIINM). Before the appointment Shikov was the deputy director of the institute.
The decree comes from the decision of the Board of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation and the special meeting of the shareholders (100% of the shares of VNIINM are owned by the Russian Federation, represented by Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation).
Kiriyenko has also approved the election of the new Board of Directors of VNIINM:
— Igor Voytash (Vice President of TVEL OJSC)
— Anna Kudryavtseva (Deputy Head of Department of Innovative and Scientific-Technical Policy of Atomenergoprom OJSC)
— Yevgeny Kudryavtsev (Head of Department for Treatment of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste and Decommissioning of Nuclear and Radiation Hazardous Facilities of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation)
— Pyotr Lavrenyuk (Vice President of TVEL OJSC)
— Alexander Shikov (Director of VNIINM)
Alexander Konstantinovich Shikov was born in Norilsk Oct 11 1948. In 1971 he graduated from the Department of Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Non-ferrous, Rare and Radioactive Metals of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Allows. The same year he was employed by VNIINM, at first, as engineer and then, as junior, senior researcher, head of laboratory, deputy head of department, head of department, deputy director general.
Shikov is the laureate of government award in the field of science and engineering, government award in the field of science, award of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the gold and silver medals of the International Exhibition of Inventions, member of the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of the Russian Federation, doctor of engineering science.
A.A.Bochvar All-Russian Research Institute of Inorganic Materials (VNIINM) develops technologies of production of fuel assemblies for nuclear reactors. The fuel assemblies produced by the institute’s technology are applied at a number of reactors in Russia and abroad. The activities of the institute are aimed at helping Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation to develop fundamental and applied research, to design different materials for the nuclear industry, to treat radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, to fabricate different types of nuclear fuel. One of the key aspects of the institute’s work is fundamentally oriented research aimed at creating prerequisites for further development of nuclear science and engineering. The successful work of VNIINM is based on many-year fruitful cooperation with Russian and foreign partners.