Ingosstrakh Draws Results of Motor Insurance in Moscow and Region
OREANDA-NEWS. On 18 March 2009 was announced, that in 2008, total number of cars covered by motor hull insurance by Ingosstrakh IJSC in Moscow and Moscow region increased as compared with the previous year by 32% and amounted to 260.6k, including cars of individuals - 170.4k (an increase of 46%) and of legal entities – RUB 90.2 k (an increase of 12%).
Total premium collected by Ingosstrakh IJSC in 2008 for motor hull insurance in Moscow and in the region (only for direct transactions excluding incoming reinsurance) amounted to RUB 14.2 bln (an increase of 19% versus last year). The amount of premium for motor hull insurance from individuals increased by 17% and totaled RUB 9.97 bln, and the premium from legal entities increased by 24% and totaled RUB 4.27 bln. According to Deputy Head of the Comprehensive Insurance Department Alexey Vlasov, “the fast increase in the number of insured cars to collected premium is explained by the fact that the company entered the segment of cheap foreign-made cars. Therefore, the number of contracts increased 1.3 times”.
In 2008, compensations paid under motor hull insurance amounted to RUB 8.2 bln, which is 23% more than in 2007. Of them, RUB 5.7 bln was paid to individuals (an increase of 19%), and 2.5 bln – to legal entities (an increase of 36%).
Among large compensations paid by Ingosstrakh for motor insurance in 2008, there were three accidents with BENTLEY CONTINENTAL, MERCEDES-BENZ CL, MASERATI M139, for which total payment amounted to RUB 19mln.
Total premium for motor insurance collected by Ingosstrakh IJSC (except motor hull insurance that includes motor TPL insurance, voluntary TPL insurance and accident insurance in Moscow and in the region) (only for direct transactions excluding incoming reinsurance) amounted to RUB 17.25 bln (an increase of 18% versus last year). Compensations paid for motor insurance totaled RUB 9.3 bln (an increase of 21 %),
From January to December 2008 Ingosstrakh provided motor TPL insurance to 503.56k cars in Moscow and in the Moscow region.
Total number of insured accidents under motor TPL insurance was 28.6k. In 2008, 33.4 thousand of previously insured accidents were fully settled, and first payments were transferred for the remaining ones.
In 2008, total compensations paid under motor TPL insurance amounted to over RUB 1 bln. The main part of this amount was paid for the damage to the property of third parties.