MicroCredit Bank Assists Expansion of Services Sphere
OREANDA-NEWS. March 16, 2009. MicroCredit Bank is taking active complex measures to implement the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to speed up the development of the services sphere in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period through 2010" PR-640 of 21.05.07.
At the same time close attention is given to the appropriation of credit resources for the technological equipment of the newly created enterprises in the sector of services provision in distant regions. In this regard, assistance is provided to the expansion of modern and high quality services, creation of new jobs, development of the services sphere, particularly trade and public catering, craftsmen shops for the repair of footwear, photo-studios, technical servicing of vehicles, and other types of services.
As a result, by 1 January 2009 micro-finance resources appropriated by the bank for the development of the services sphere reached 8,760 million soums, of which 39.5% were made in the trade and public catering sector, 26.1% - in transportation, telecommunication services, 17.6% - in communal and household services, 8.4% - in technical servicing of vehicles and other technology, 5.8% - in establishment of children's, sports, and recreation facilities, 1% - in the sphere of tourism and hospitality services to the population, and 2% - in other spheres. The microfinance resources provided by the bank for the development of services sphere helped create 8,549 new jobs.