Gazprom Conducted Central Subsurface Use Commission Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. March 12, 2009. The Company’s Headquarters hosted a regular meeting of the Gazprom Central Subsurface Use and Licensing Management Commission headed by Alexander Ananenkov, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom’s Management Committee.
The meeting considered the issues of obtaining the rights to use the subsurface resources of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Okhotsk Sea offshore areas.
Special attention was paid to the allocation of responsibility areas of subsurface resource development to the Company’s subsidiaries with due regard of the potential expansion of the corporate resource base.
Gazprom’s Central Subsurface Use and Licensing Management Commission is a permanent body established for improving the management efficiency and raw material base development at Gazprom Group.
The Commission’s activity is targeted at optimizing the Gazprom raw material base, securing the planned gas production levels and increasing the efficiency when exploiting subsurface resources.