OREANDA-NEWS. March 11, 2009. From 2009, Russian Railways plans to spend investment funds on the purchase of promising freight car models, reported the press-centre of  Russian Railways.

In the current year, the Company will purchase the following types of freight wagons with improved operational characteristics within the approved limit of investment funds amounting to 1,79 billion roubles:

208 units of the open box car model 12-196-01 made by Uralvagonzavod with a 25 ton load on the wheel pair axle;

142 units of the open box car model 12-2123 made by CJSC Promtraktorvagon and a 25 ton load on the wheel pair axle;

150 units of the open box car model 12-9788-01 made by JSC Promtraktorvagon with a 23,5 ton load on the wheel pair axle.