OREANDA-NEWS. March 10, 2009. The Moscow Department of the State Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate, of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, (GIBDD GUVD Moscow) presented documentation to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia), which confirmed execution of the FAS Russia's determination on the case of floating landing stages, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

On 25th April 2008 FAS Russia found that GIBDD GUVD Moscow violated Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition" by engaging in concerted actions with the Moscow Government, the "Gormost" State Unitary Enterprise, the "Mosvodokanal" Moscow State Unitary Enterprise and "Moskovskaya Gorodskaya Elekrosetevaya Kompania [Moscow City Electric Grid Company]" CJSC. The above organizations unreasonably prevented economic activities of the market participants that used floating landing stages and other waterborne platforms.

Based on its decision, FAS Russia issued determinations to stop the antimonopoly violations to the Moscow Government, the "Gormost" State Unitary Enterprise, the "Mosvodokanal" Moscow State Unitary Enterprise, GIBDD GUVD Moscow and "Moscow City Electric Grid Company" CJSC.

The Arbitration Courts dismissed the claims of the Moscow Government, "Gormost", "Mosvodokanal" and GIBDD GUVD Moscow on invalidating the FAS Russia's decision and determinations, which confirmed their legitimacy and relevance.

Executing the FAS Russia's determination, GIBDD GUVD Moscow dismantled the road signs "Stopping prohibited" in the mooring places of floating landing stages and other waterborne platforms after GIBDD GUVD Moscow had petitioned to the Road Traffic Commissions of the Prefectures of the Central and West Administrative Districts of Moscow to examine legitimacy of these traffic signs.

Earlier the Moscow Government also executed the FAS Russia's determination, and cancelled the instructions issued upon the Minutes of the meetings with the executive officers of the Moscow Government and the Minutes of the session of the Moscow Government Commission on regulating the use of the water area and riverside areas in Moscow, regarding location and use of the floating landing stages. The documents infringed the rights of the economic entities operating with the use of floating landing stages and other waterborne platforms in Moscow.