ROSNO Concluded Farm Animals Insurance Contracts in Abakan
OREANDA-NEWS On 06 March was announced, that Khakassia-ROSNO branch insured the farm animals kept at the Fotiadi Private Farm and GUP Borets. The aggregate insurance amount for the two concluded contracts is 11,132,300 roubles.
The first contract contemplates insurance coverage of 275 horses. The contractual insurance amount is 4,641,000 roubles, and the contract has been concluded for one year.
Under the second contract, the insurance protection applies to 1,000 sheep, 100 horses, and 112 cows. The insurance coverage is 6,491,300 roubles, and the contract has been concluded for six months.
All of the insured animals have been protected against such risks as loss and forced extermination of livestock as a result of infectious diseases; fire; natural disaster; accident; explosion, lightning stroke, unlawful third-party actions; and stealage (theft, robbery and brigandage).
For many years, ROSNO has been insuring farm animals and aquacultures. The company can also insure horses, cattle and small cattle, pigs, poultry, as well as fish and shellfish. ROSNO offers the agricultural sector an entire range of agricultural insurance programs: insurance coverage of pedigree animals and their offspring, store-cattle, poultry factories and incubators, animal farms, and animals in transit. The agricultural enterprises can be protected against outbreaks of infectious diseases, technogenic risks and other hazards. Insurance coverage from ROSNO guarantees safety and stable quantity of livestock.