Annual Nordea Fund of Funds, SICAV GSM Will Take Place on 16 March
OREANDA-NEWS On 27 February was announced, that Nordea Fund of Funds, SICAV (the “Company”) annual general shareholders meeting shall be held at the Registered Office of the Company on 16 March 2009 at 14:00 CET (the “Meeting”), with the following agenda:
Approval of the reports of the Board of Directors and of the Auditor.
Approval of the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement as at 31 December 2008.
Discharge to the Directors and the Auditor in respect of the carrying out of their duties during the financial year ended 31 December 2008.
Election of the Directors and the Auditor.
The resolutions on the agenda may be passed without quorum, by a majority of the votes cast thereon at the Meeting. Each share is entitled to one vote. A shareholder may act at any Meeting by proxy. Proxy forms can be obtained from the Registered Office of the Company.
In order to vote at the Meeting, shareholders may be present in person provided that proof of the share-holder’s identity is given and that the shareholder has informed the Company, for organisational reasons, in writing of his intention to attend the Meeting by 11 March 2009, 17:00 CET at the latest (to Nordea Bank S.A., Transfer Agency, 562, rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg). Shareholders not attending the Meeting in person are invited to send a duly completed and signed proxy form to arrive no later than 11 March 2009, 17:00 CET (to Nordea Bank S.A., Transfer Agency, 562, rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg). The Meeting will be held in English language.