OREANDA-NEWS. February 25, 2009. At the just-ended annual forum Security and Safety Technologies 2009, М2М telematics was awarded a first-degree medal and diploma for Best Innovative Solution in the category of GLONASS-enabled Monitoring and Security Systems and Means for developing the world’s first tracking collar enabled by the Russian satellite navigation system GLONASS.

The tracking collar is an experimental solution by М2М telematics. The device enables continuous tracking of a collar-wearing dog via a built-in compact navigation module. It contains a number of one-of-a-kind technical solutions, such as a built-in three-axis accelerometer that improves user experience. When the dog is at rest, the tracker is automatically disabled to save power and extend collar battery life. The device owner can also track the dog movement trajectory in real time on a communicator or pocket PC. All it takes is logging onto www.m2m-t.ru in a special CyberWeb® access section. More detailed tracking information is available via special CyberFleet® software installed on a PC or laptop. Besides, the tracking collar concept serves as a platform for security solutions. For example, it allows monitoring employees in restricted-access areas or individuals whose movement has been restricted by court order.

A joint booth of М2М telematics, Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern and the Russian Institute for Radio Navigation and Time, titled GLONASS in the Service of Security, displayed a number of products – transport fleet monitoring and control systems of the BusinessNavigator® family, a real estate monitoring and security system called М2М Security Systems, and common design solutions based on GLONASS functionality.

For three days the booth featured an animated program – an arm wrestling contest, fun quizzes, and GLONASS-inspired competitions.