Belarus to Put BR 5 trln in Energy Saving in 2009
OREANDA-NEWS On 24 February was announced, that in 2009 Belarus plans to invest Br4.7-Br5.3 trillion in modernisation of the energy system, energy saving and increasing the use of local fuels. The work will be done as part of the plan of action to the national comprehensive programme to modernise key production assets of the Belarusian energy system, to promote energy saving and increase the share of local fuels by 2011. The plan of action was approved by Resolution No 212 of the Council of Ministers of Belarus of February 18.
In 2009, the Belenergo energy concern plans to commission energy generating facilities of the 57.7MW aggregate capacity. Another 95.1MW will be put in operation at the companies in other industries.
Belarus is set to save 1.4 million tonnes of fuel equivalent this year. The share of local fuels is expected to increase to 19.4% of the total boiler and furnace fuel consumption mix. In 2008 the index was 17.9%.
Unit No 4 of the Lukoml state district power plant, the biggest in the country, was shut done for major overhaul in mid January. After the overhaul, the unit will be more energy efficient and the capacity will be 15MW higher. The turbines of power units No 1 and No 2 were upgraded the same way earlier. The new stage of the technical modernization will be more comprehensive: additional ancillary equipment will be installed at unit No 4 to enhance the operation safety of the plant.
Minsk CHP plant No 2 which reconstruction is carried out jointly with the Chinese side is to commission the first steam-gas power unit with the capacity of 32.5MW in 2009. A major investment project is also implemented at Minsk CHP plant No 5. Belarus and China signed a contract worth more than EUR 260 million to reconstruct the plant.
The Bereza state district power plant is renovating its unit No 5 which capacity is to increase by 65MW. This project is to be completed in 2010. A cutting-edge turbine with the capacity of 12MW will be installed at Brest CHP plant in 2009.
In 2009, 140 kilometers of heat supply network will be constructed and 1,500 kilometers of electric power lines will be reconstructed in the country.
According to the Energy Ministry, the implementation of some less important projects may be postponed amid the global financial crisis.