Kaunas HPP Rehab Ups Environmental Protection
OREANDA-NEWS. February 12, 2009. Kaunas hydro power plant (HPP) – a subsidiary of Lietuvos Energija AB – subsequent to the completion of the first stage rehabilitation works is relaunched with improved qualities of the plant’s environment protection. The power plant’s formerly used regular oil was replaced with a non-hazardous solution, sealing of equipment was modernized, reported the press-centre of Lietuvos Energija.
“Kauno HPP generates around 80 per cent of Lithuania’s entire renewable energy, hence making it the country’s largest environmentally-friendly power plant. With regard to such status, we have allocated a substantial part of rehabilitation funds to the environmental protection – construction of a fence to keep away poachers, protection of the river from pollutants and sealing of the power plant's equipment", - said Mr. Darius Masionis, CEO of Lietuvos Energija AB.
A special focus was given to the sealing of the power plant’s equipment. Regular oil of the equipment was replaced with non-hazardous solution, capable to degrade in the water. Subsequent to the second stage of works, the river's flow, used for generation of electricity at Kaunas HPP, will be filtered by trash racks, which not only collect the trash, flowing down the Nemunas river, but will also make it possible to separate plastic bottles from the trash of organic origin.
“The rehab works not only contributed to the plant’s environment protection, but also ensured its stable and long-term operation. The entire equipment, renovated during the reconstruction, meets the latest requirements for the protection of environment. Besides, the key equipment of the power plant – the newly installed turbines No.3 and 4 will be operated for 25 years needless of their major repair", - said Mr. Juozas Bartlingas, Manager of Kaunas HPP.
During the first stage of the plant’s rehabilitation a total of LTL 78 million was invested, of which LTL 29 million were provided by the EU funds, the remaining part – by Lietuvos Energija AB". The total sum of Kaunas hydro power plant’s rehabilitation project – LTL 125 million. By the end of this year, upon the completion the plant’s reconstruction, the plant’s efficiency will be improved by 10 per cent.
According to Mr. J.Bartlingas, the modernization of Kaunas HPP will contribute to Lithuania's obligation to increase the national renewables share to 23 per cent. At the moment, the “green” power accounts for a mere 15 per cent of the country’s generation capacity.